Every man dreams to maintain and not less than seventy years old, is good erection. Each year the number of people ask the question, what is dangerous for potency is becoming more and more.
Health for male sex - their sons healthy.

However, in this term, in addition to the potency is always included always libido. A very important point is in a healthy state of the whole reproductive system of men. Therefore, it is necessary once in half a year necessarily visit the doctor's profile.
What foods are harmful
A huge number of different habits have an effect on the libido, potency. Here, in contrast to the use of narcotic drugs, or drink beverages containing alcohol, as well as himself is smoking.
For strengthening erections, libido is maybe a few times a week to find time for sports, which allows everything else to achieve sexual of the body, to become the most attractive to the female gender.
For all people, without exception, long walks on the street, they will become the starting point of the current situation. Doctors note that each day a man is required to take place more 1 thousand steps. For the normalization of in a short period of potency, improve the circulation process in the morning advised to take a contrast shower.
One of the main enemies of male potency is the large amount of stressful situations in life, which is to be minimized. The second variant - to learn to shoot fast state of stress. In addition, a positive effect has a prescribed profile doctor diet. It is important to understand what foods are for potency useful in today's world and that they only cause damage.
Ale operates one of the provocateurs of disorder in hormonal balance. If you saw on the street a man with a beer belly, then most likely it's an indicator of low testosterone, the active production of hormones, own girls. A man who truly cares about your health, never not abuse.
Fastfood in any case, it does not contain harmful transgenic fats, which also cause a serious disturbance in the distribution of hormones. They are contained not only in hamburgers, a variety of baking, but also in margarine/ice cream, so for those who the potency of way will be required to make a choice, whether to use in the diet data products.
Caffeine - a killer of testosterone. Significantly increases the amount of estrogen. The product is not harmful, but its advantage lies in the rapid withdrawal of the body.
Because in the baking contains these hazardous ingredients potency, as is the yeast, the sugar from it also better to give up.
Different meats contain an incredible dose of smoked fluid, acting on the penis in men damaging way.
Sweet interferes with male potency, so all what you can afford - not more than 50 g of any of the sweets.
Products, the composition of which is cholesterol, are the result of disorders of blood circulation, a dangerous blockage of blood vessels. They are also advised to give up completely.
In addition to the products, which are categorically prohibited to buy in stores to avoid problems with the genitourinary system, there are also a number of products that can be on the menu, but in limited quantities.
- You cannot consume more than 1 liter of natural milk the cows.
- Because soy contains a variety of sex hormones abuse in the fight with the female hormones, man this product is not desirable.
- Salt is able to reduce the production of the necessary testosterone.
- Narcotic drugs, like marijuana are able to disrupt the balance of hormones.
- Nicotine causes atherosclerosis, and always becomes the main cause of narrowing of the blood vessels.
- Beverages containing alcohol have a negative effect on the liver, the formation of a number of necessary hormones.
- Different energy drinks and coca-cola have a bad effect on erectile function, because they cause a rapid expansion/constriction of the blood vessels.
What foods help with impotence?
- Soda;
- Herbs;
- St. john's wort;
- Ginger and honey;
- Nuts;
- Tea;
- Garlic;
- A natural aphrodisiac.
Natural ways to increase testosterone in men

Doctors have long compiled a list of the different ways to boost the guys to the desired level of testosterone is not a medical methods:
- Normalize your sleep mode. It is necessary to highlight the correct amount of hormones. Until we learn to wake up from the alarm sound, and not with you every morning, feel the cheerfulness on the day will be able to increase your own level of testosterone.
- Eat properly. Each meal should be rich in vitamins C, a, and different minerals.
- To avoid dehydration a man need to drink a lot of water. In addition, in the case that deals with a sport, the number of, the liquid in the the day increases. In this case, the sodas, how to, and juice from the supermarket does not belong to pure water, are not considered.
- In the diet should give up all carbohydrates that are quickly digested, because they contribute to increased levels of cholesterol in the blood.
- The more a person weighs, the less variety of sex hormones, arises in his body. To normalize testosterone levels, it is important to get rid of excess weight.
- More engaged in the sport, because the greatest enemy of the hormones are low scores in some type of physical activity.
Often enough just before conception of the child, the man begins to be interested in, what products to use for potency is and what should be the proper diet?
In the first there are five categories of useful products, which are absolutely necessary to include in your diet:
- What most consume daily, lean meat, because in him there is virtually no threat of cholesterol, but a lot of useful protein;
- Garlic, onions. They are able to increase endurance of a male organism to various infections due to the content of a large amount of vitamin C;
- It is appropriate to use in the kitchen legumes, because in this category of products is the many elements that contribute to an increase in the levels of the hormone;
- The salads should be useful to the greens.
In addition, the diet includes mandatory exclusion from the diet of products referred to fatty foods, food with plenty of spices, carbonated beverages.
Products that potency: fruit, vegetables, honey and more
Needed for the ideal efficiency of trace elements, various vitamins contains nowadays in different kinds of fruit. This is the reason why often, thanks to the fruit diet can quickly get rid of the various problems in sex. The fruit, as well as products that potency, have an effect generally on improving the health of men. They in the composition have a specific combination of beneficial vitamins, which contribute to recovery in the short-term sexual function.
It is necessary to pay attention to the different fruits, contain rich in useful components of the ascorbic/citric acid and tocopherol. That is, how is it possible you need to eat the figs, ripe mango, kiwi with grapes.
Among the vegetables the men necessarily should pay attention to the following products that potency:

- Peking cabbage, useful for strengthening overall immunity, purifies the blood.
- In broccoli folic acid, iron, leads to the conclusion from the male body of various toxins.
- Avocado, thanks to a large number of different proteins has for men a stimulant effect.
- In the carrot contains a lot of vitamin a, the improvement in the men the work of the testes, activation of the function of the seminal vesicles.
Feed for animals
For the organism of each person feed for animals is a source of protein, which is absorbed. Because the substance acts most commonly as a building material for tissues, cells, its deficiency often leads to the development of side effects, such as problems in the sexual life of the partners. So in the diet on a daily basis should be not only meat, but also eggs.
For the improvement of male power, but also desire to the opposite sex strictly necessary, eat seafood like lobsters, squid or even meat stingrays. They contain the necessary amounts of zinc, therefore, are capable of improving endurance.
Bee products
Because the food contains a large number of proteins, without which it can not achieve a rich intimate life, it is imperative to use in the human diet each honey ambrosia. It improves blood flow to the sexual organ, and thanks to the content of glucose, fructose, and also provides active support for formation of testosterone. It is prohibited to use people with diseases of the cancer character.
Food, stimulates the potency and simple recipes with them
In order to achieve the longer, really obvious effect, it is necessary to get rid of the problem with potency. First and foremost it can help the food, which has a positive effect on potency.
Dark chocolate helps to improve potency, enhance immunity. On a daily basis in small quantities it is even helpful.
The liver is actively increasing in men sex drive. If they have it at least once every seven days, then you may constantly receive the necessary quantity of useful components.
For the amplification of the stress, balanced production of hormones, men must necessarily have in their diet to use the chicken/quail eggs.
Drinks that are useful for male power
If you think about the question, what kind of drinks during the day most often drink to the men, most instantly able to answer that it's tea. But few people know that this drink can bring for the body a big favor. There is a tea that is able to increase the potency. For example, in the classic green tea is quite a lot of zinc, which helps to blocking the development of a dangerous inflammation of the prostate, as well as the synthesis of testosterone. It is only important to consume only freshly.
No less useful protein shakes that can be found today in almost every supermarket, the sports nutrition. They have an excellent effect, aimed at promoting potency.
Also greatly improve the sexual ability of the partner to you a simple compote, cook from these dried fruits, like apricots or prunes. It is advisable to additionally tuck honey to improve the effect.
Simple recipes and food for men's health
There are a huge number of simple recipes, in which they are used products, stimulating potency for the improvement of the quality of sexual life of men and the strengthening of his erection.
Honey with sesame seeds. Take a little seeds of the sesame, fry directly in a pan, without resorting to the use of oil. Mix it with natural honey and a day to eat 3 tablespoons of no less than three times.
Growing a mixture of, on the basis of which, in addition to the honey, aloe juice, red wine.
For cooking need 1 glass of honey, mix with 1 tablespoon of the juice from aloe and 0.5 liter of wine. A mixture of the infusion for two weeks, and then in the course of a month is used three times a day.
Prevention of sexual weakness
Speaking about prevention of impotence it is necessary to understand that it is important to strengthen in men the nervous system, and also in the overall improvement of the tone.
The most popular in the last few years not only to use in diet foods, stimulates the potency, but also systematically addressed by jogging. Thanks to the strengthening of jogging, you can get rid of excess weight, this will increase significantly the level of testosterone, it shall notify impotence.

There is a view of a few specialized professionals, who repeatedly at the time of their studies highlighted the fact that sexual disorders is directly dependent on the weight of the men. As soon as it starts better, almost immediately losing and potency.
In addition, as the prevention is the need to be constantly passionate person, which is without any problems able to convert an arbitrary abstinence.